Yes, you read that correctly - free advertising on the Udon Thani Attractions website for businesses in Udon Thani - i.e. business that are owned by people living in Udon Thani - not multi-national service providers.
To do this, simply send an email to with details of your business as possible. (Name, location, telephone number, business category,
Your business will be displayed on a page shared with other business that fall in to the same category - i.e. restaurant, bar, car rental, massage parlour etc.
All applications will be considered and if we feel your business is appropriate for the Udon Thani Attractions website, it will be included - totally free.
If you would like a dedicated page, please refer to the Business Review section below.
To do this, simply send an email to with details of your business as possible. (Name, location, telephone number, business category,
Your business will be displayed on a page shared with other business that fall in to the same category - i.e. restaurant, bar, car rental, massage parlour etc.
All applications will be considered and if we feel your business is appropriate for the Udon Thani Attractions website, it will be included - totally free.
If you would like a dedicated page, please refer to the Business Review section below.
Why advertise with Udon Thani Attractions?
The Udon Thani Attractions website attracts in the region of 6000 unique visitors every month with many more returning time and time again. Conduct a Google search for any of the main attractions in the region and you will find us either at the very top of the search or within the top three or four places.
As we add more content related to local businesses, we can increase the visitor count and improve our page rankings where we are not currently in pole position, giving your business more exposure to visitors to Udon Thani.
Join us today - you have nothing to lose.
As we add more content related to local businesses, we can increase the visitor count and improve our page rankings where we are not currently in pole position, giving your business more exposure to visitors to Udon Thani.
Join us today - you have nothing to lose.
Business Reviews
If you would prefer us to review your business and display its own page on our website then we are happy to oblige but will ask for something in return for our efforts. For example - In the case of a restaurant, perhaps a meal here and there, or if a bar then the odd drink.
This is open to negotiation prior to any review being undertaken.
This is open to negotiation prior to any review being undertaken.
Benefits of a review - what you can expect from us
A business review will be displayed on it's own page and covers all aspects of your service including a range of photographs that we will take, highlighting why customers should visit your establishment as a priority, and location map.
While potential customers are happy enough to try a restaurant or bar that they know little about, a reviewed business attracts more attention and consequently more business for you.
While potential customers are happy enough to try a restaurant or bar that they know little about, a reviewed business attracts more attention and consequently more business for you.